“Will long-term care be the same after COVID-19?,” Deseret News, June 7, 2020
“Overzealous in preventing falls, hospitals are producing an ‘epidemic of immobility’ in elderly patients,” Kaiser Health News / Washington Post, October 13, 2019
“Dementia: Can a “friendly visit” play a role in keeping seniors safe at home?,” UW News, April 15, 2019
“Not moving increases risk for falls, UW nursing professor says,” Wisconsin State Journal, March 4, 2019
“Evidence-Based Health Policy Project Capitol briefing: Communities as caregivers—Policies for a dementia-friendly state,” WisconsinEye, February 20, 2019
“2019 Distinguished Teaching Award recipients announced,” UW News, January 24, 2019
“Nursing Home Staffing Varies Greatly In Wisconsin, Across Country,” Wisconsin Public Radio, July 13, 2018
“New toolkit guides professionals, others in scenarios involving dementia,” UW News, June 21, 2018
“University of Wisconsin-Madison Nursing Professor Inducted to Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame,” DailyNurse, April 23, 2018
“UW–Madison to expand well-being programs for older adults in rural communities,” UW News, April 19, 2018
“UW-Madison researcher named to nursing research hall of fame,” Wisconsin State Journal, April 17, 2018
“Nursing school’s program expansion to help older adults in rural communities,” The Daily Cardinal, April 15, 2018
“Collaborative Work Featured at Showcase,” UW DoIT Academic Technology News, March 28, 2018
“City receives Healthy Aging in Rural Towns grant,” Waupun News, February 22, 2018
“Complaints filed against other Faith Communities assisted living facilities,” WISC-TV News 3, February 6, 2018
“SNF Residency Gives Nurses ‘Ownership’ in Long-Term Care,” Skilled Nursing News, November 22, 2017
“Kindred Offering $10K Signing Bonus to Attract Registered Nurses,” Skilled Nursing News, November 6, 2017
“Tech innovations for the elderly is mission of new local group,” The Capital Times, September 13, 2017
“Two School of Nursing faculty members are honored,” UW News, February 3, 2017
“Researchers and hospital team up to increase patient mobility,” WKOW-27, December 14, 2016
“Assisted living growing in Wisconsin, but some say regulations not keeping up,” Wisconsin State Journal, December 11, 2016
“Nurses keep hospital patients moving with help from UW researchers,” UW News, November 22, 2016
“Who Cares? The People Who Support Older Adult Health and What They Need,” Barb Bowers’ presentation at the UW–Madison Institute on Aging Annual Colloquium, September 27, 2016
“Nursing school teaches students to use music to rescue memory,” WISC-TV News 3, May 18, 2016
“UW–Madison creating new app to help caregivers responsible for loved ones,” WKOW-27’s Wake Up Wisconsin, November 13, 2015
CARE Director Barb Bowers appointed to a task force to improve Pennsylvania’s long-term care system
“Expert warns of wave of dementia patients,” Wisconsin Health News, July 20, 2015
“Dementia-friendly health care workshops,” NBC-15 July 16, 2015
PhD candidate Kristin Pecanec contributes to study raising questions about surgical informed consent: “Study Raises Ethical Questions about Limits of Informed Consent for ‘Big Surgery'”
An article by Dr. Barbara Bowers and Kimberly Nolet for The Gerontologist special issue “Transforming Nursing Home Culture: Evidence for Practice and Policy” was featured in McKnight’s Long Term Care News