Edith Lawrence-Hilliard

Edith Lawrence-Hilliard recently retired from the Goodman Community Center. She serves on the Board of Directors for Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Life Center Madison and Friends of Monona Terrace, where she is a volunteer docent. Edith sings with the Precious Memories Choir, which includes people with memory loss and current or former family caregivers. (Edith was her mother’s caregiver, when her mother was living with dementia.) Edith has been honored with the Dane County Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Recognition Award, Meriter Hospital Spirit of Women Award, YWCA Women of Distinction, and Outstanding Service Award, Ebony Expressions. She worked with Wisconsin Power and Light Company–Alliant Energy, Dr. Floyd Rose and MPI International LLC, in addition to founding her own business. Edith has tracked her family’s history back to 1747 and played her great-grandmother Cynthia Owens in a living history tour.