“I used to introduce myself by saying I am an elder in denial and I’m also a recovering Tribal Chairman,” laughs Karen Washinawatok. She’s no longer in denial. In November, Washinawatok spent a week at …
Year: 2023
Found in Translation: Health Equity for Hmong Elders
As we age, our healthcare needs often change. For example, we might experience hearing loss or chronic pain. We might want to engage in advance care planning. Now imagine that simply communicating with healthcare providers …
The Pandemic this Time: What Will We Learn from COVID-19?
“How will we remember this pandemic?” asked Susan McFadden, PhD, Professor Emerita of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. “And how will we act on the lessons we have learned?” She was speaking to …
Helping Improve Care for Others: One Patient Advisor’s Experiences
“I don’t want this to happen to anyone else, so I got involved,” says Rosie Bartel. Bartel describes herself as a wife, mother, grandmother, and educator. She’s also a patient advisor to health researchers and …
From Accelerated Aging to Black Well-Being
As we age, our cells accumulate damage. Over time, the damage can lead to disease, disability, or death. Yet time does not affect everyone’s cells equally. Some public health practitioners argue that time should be …